Friday, July 13, 2012

My Baby Girl turns 23 today!

Seems unreal that my little Haleigh bug is 23 years old today! I remember trying so hard to deliver her on the 12th, because my husband's grandmother was very superstitious and did not want her born on the 13th! Unfortunately I ran out of energy, and our sweet girl was born at 12:07 am on July 13th. Although, I do have to say it was a Thursday! Thursday's have always been a good luck day for me, all good things always happen to me on Thursday's, so I shouldn't have been surprised that the baby I always wanted and longed for arrived on a Thursday.

It was a very long and hard delivery, in fact I went into shock and needed a blood transfusion immediately after she was born. Even though it was one of the most difficult times of my life, it was so worth it! I have been so blessed to have been given such a beautiful gift from God.

Happy Birthday Haleigh Trista Hafslund

This picture was taken at Haleigh's 1st Birthday Party. Once again, Eric's grandmother did not want to celebrate Haleigh's birthday on Friday the 13th, so we held a party for her on Saturday the 14th!
This was Haleigh's first experience with refined sugar, so needless to say, she had lots of energy to run off after she ate some of her b-day cake!

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