Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our Shorkies (The Boys)

I decided to share a couple of pics of our Shorkies. They hate the camera, so getting shots of them can be really tricky and is sometimes rare. When they first joined our family over 3 years ago, they were 5 months old and had no training. It took me about 6 months to potty train them, but consistency paid off and they have not had an accident in the house for over 2 years. They still like to bark at people as they walk past our house, but I guess that's what little dogs are for. They get so excited when they see people, they just bark as if saying, " Welcome to our home! Please come in and play with us!".  They sure are sweet little boys, and we love having them in our family!

Connor (above) is such a loverboy! He enjoys getting lots of attention, and sharing snuggles with everyone! He just goes crazy when someone rides by on a bike! He would be very happy if we let him out of the yard to chase them down the street! But that just wouldn't be safe.

Buddy is slightly smaller than Connor and has a curly tail. He is like a little teddy bear. He loves to have his belly rubbed. He is in love with one of the Chua Chua'a that live next door (Diva is her name). He will sit at the corner of the chain link fence that faces her house and wait to catch a glimps of her. He will sit there all day if we let him! He is a real sweetheart and can be a real mama's boy!

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